Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Holiday To Remember 6/17/2020

Good Morning,

I am at a slow pace today just because it feels good to do so. I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Lemon Shortbread Cookie Coffee as I begin to write.

Ecclesiastes 3:13 Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in his toil. This is God's gift to man.

My wife Rene and I like to take a vacation every year or as they say in other parts of the world "Go on holiday".  Last August we took our holiday time in Hawaii. It was a trip we had wanted to take for many years. We always talked about it and dreamed about it. But the idea just never seemed to get any traction to get further than just the thinking about it process. Something always seemed to get in the way of fulfilling the plan.  So we prayed about the desire we had and God opened the door to a trip. He alone made all that we would see and experience.

So finally it happened. Our neighbor worked with us to plan the trip that we would never forget. The planning was a lot of fun. What did we want to see while there? What clothes will we take? Back packs or no back packs? Rent a car or rely on our legs? How about using a taxi/shuttle? So many questions to think about. Once people knew we were planning the trip all kinds of good advice was given to us. There was so much to think about. I still say that the planning was one of the best parts of the experience.

Before we knew it we were traveling 4229 miles to Hawaii and despite the planning and all the research we did we still were unsure of what to expect. I could write all day about our experiences to see volcanoes, beaches, monuments, dancing at a luau, and resting in the sun. We took a helicopter tour to recap all the things we saw during the week and before we knew it the vacation/holiday had to end.  The experience was better than we imagined.

I look at the pictures from the trip now and then and still can't believe our trip finally happened.  What I do recall vividly was waking up and hearing the ocean waves coming to shore every morning. I would take a cup of coffee outside to the balcony and read my Bible and take it all in. My mind was at ease and I found out that I really could relax. I came home rested and recharged to face the rest of 2019.

Here is my point. Traveling is nice, there is no doubt. But we can't just decide to take off and travel 4229 miles to a destination very other week. My mind and body needed that vacation to recharge. We all need to give our minds and bodies time to rest. We should take a holiday now and then to do so.  It might just be a day, resting in your own yard, taking in some sun and sweet peach tea.

Life is too short to not sit down and rest awhile. Let your mind flow freely. Let your body know what it is like to just take a nap. Eat something you have never eaten before and share it with someone. And if you are able, go see something you haven't seen before. There are day trips you can experience and see different things in your own area.  Treat yourself good from time to time.  I don't believe that there are many people, while lying on their death bed that say. "I wish I would have worked more hours".

Holiday/Vacation. No matter what you call it, resting is a gift from God. Open the package and again treat yourself good.


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