Friday, June 19, 2020

An Eternal Perspective Part One 6/19.2020

Good Morning,

My day started with two hungry dogs pulling me by the arm this morning. I could smell the Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee brewing in the kitchen and not even this tired guy could resist getting out of bed and going about my day.

I have a true belief that some Christians who are wandering aimlessly and not engaging with others at their church, family life, or people in general, have lost their "Eternal Perspective or Outlook". There just isn't any zip in their lives. An eternal perspective is key to contentment and happiness. For me, there is just too much whining from people who have placed their faith in Jesus. We need to be looking up, not straight ahead, We need to see beyond the immediate, to the future.  It's like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the peanut butter and jelly.

Author Hank Hannengraaff writes. " If we are seeking an eternal perspective we need look no further than our Lord Jesus Christ. He immersed himself in Scripture , sacrificed himself for the needs of others, and treasured fellowship with his heavenly Father. Like the Master, we are called to elevate our gaze from earthly vanities to eternal verities. "

"Jesus modeled daily devotion to the Word of God. In the ultimate spiritual battles, Jesus took up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  He had mined, memorized and mediated on Scripture.  Thus when the slanderer sought to tempt the Savior to turn stones into bread, Jesus was prepared. " 

Matthew 4:4  "It is written" he said, "man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord". 

This is part one of a three day series on developing an Eternal perspective. Stay with me on this one. Share it with others.
