Monday, August 19, 2019

What Did I Get Myself Into? 8/19/2019

Good Morning,

I will be eventually starting this day with a cup of Door County Cheery Creme Coffee and a couple of oranges. It was a long night at work and the oranges are a good way to stay healthy.

Yesterday Rene and I brought our new puppy home. Now keep in mind as many of you know a new puppy needs time to adjust to different surroundings. They also need to find the potty spot outside. Our new puppy is named Leo and he did very well riding home in the Jeep. Once we arrived home we kept him on a leash and introduced him to our older dog Gibbs. As puppies will do he approached Gibbs and jumped up at him. Unfortunately for Leo his jump was met with a snarl and then a full retreat on his part. He was scared out of his mind and hid behind Rene, Then he was introduced to the inside of his new home where everything was NO!!!!

Later the little guy found out that it is also not good to bother Gibbs while he is chewing on a bone. By 8:PM our new furry family member was exhausted in his kennel sound asleep. Earlier I snapped a photo of him after he had just tangled himself up in between Rene's legs and had the garden hose drip on him at the same time. He had that look  that said "What did I get myself into"?

Isaiah 40:31 -"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

From time to time we all start something new like a marriage, new job or a new location and soon after the change occurs, we want to scream, "what did I get myself into"?  We need to remember that every day is new and that with time all things can work out and sometimes we just need to be patient.  Most of us forget that if God leads us to it, He will lead us through it.  So for today, before you quit on something, turn it over to God and ask for wisdom, patience and strength to keep going until it works out.

God bless,


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