Thursday, August 15, 2019

Counting The Good 8/15/19

Good Morning,

I just filled my cup with Door County Caramel  Pecan Scones Coffee. My tastebuds are happy to be a part of this day.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul. And forget not all of His benefits

There are days when life gets the best of me. I for one don't  like having my happiness  frozen because I can't  get over the immediate  circumstances.

I think we can all speak of days, months or even years like that. When I encounter that emotion or mood I need to take action. The action I take is to concentrate  on what I have and not on what I don't  have.  Basically I go and count my blessings.  Did you know that I count everyone  who reads  this as a blessing and I am grateful  for you.
Last night as I was thinking about what to write I focused on an antique ice box we repurposed to be a kitchen cabinet. The memory helped me remember buying it in Door County  at an antique  shop with my wife Rene. Our car was too small to bring it home. We returned  the following Saturday to pick it up with our truck.. I recall the trip and the conversations we had. We stopped for a dish of custard  and the day was marvelous. The blessings I counted were these.

We found what we wanted. We were together. We had jobs that allowed us to purchase the item. We have a truck that allowed us to pick it up. We traveled to and from Door County safely.

My point is this. Once you ask God to show you your blessings the list grows and grows. Once you see all the blessings your mood changes to an attitude  of  gratitude.  Bye bye blues. The formula works for me. Try it you might like it.
