Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Don't Want To Play House 8/18/19

 Good Morning,

I just filled a mug with some Door County Birthday Cake Coffee and turned up the lights a little. Now it is  time  to  pray and write

The house is quiet and sunrise hasn't  happened yet. My wife is sound asleep and our dog Gibbs disappeared  to another room. I would bet that he went back to sleep  after eating

Proverbs  22:6 
Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it.

I was listening to some very old classic country  music tunes yesterday. One old song described a mother listening in on a conversation her little girl was having with a little boy. They were discussing " playing house". The little girl was telling the boy that she did not want to play. She stated " I know it can be fun. I have watched Mommy and Daddy and if that's  the way it is done. I don't  want to play house". If you ever want some self induced sadness listen to some of the old country classics. But this one made me think.

The rest of the song describes a crying mommy because of a dad who left. Now we are not going to judge two fictional  characters here this morning. We will take some time to remind ourselves  that we are to set good examples for the children set into the places of our lives. This could be our own children, grandchildren, nieces  or  nephews. What we do leaves a mark on their hearts in either  a good  or  bad  way.

Little children form opinions  on what the see and experience.  If a home is led by violence a child might be prone to reacting  violently. If a child witnesses  a mom and dad praying together and is invited to join in, they are more likely to be a person of prayer. If a child witnesses  others being treated with dignity  and  respect  they are more likely  to repeat the process. If children witness truthful  parents they are more likely  to be truthful  also.

We set the tone for these kids and they should see  us reading our Bible  and be asked to sit on our laps and read along. We do need to juvenile  it down a little. But they should start experiencing  God at an early  age.  If they witness  Godly Biblical principles  being used in the home they are headed in the right direction.

Friends  we owe it to the children  of the world especially our portion of it to set a Godly example for them. We owe it to ourselves to do this. These kids will be the next family leaders.

What do you say? I think we can do this. I know we should. Let's  not wait for tomorrow. Let's  start  today.


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