Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Let It Be. 8/14/19

Good Morning,

Wednesday is here and it seems like Monday and Tuesday some way figured out how to come and go faster. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee. Now it is time to pray and write.

One more day talking about wisdom.
Last week my wife and I traveled  to  Hawaii for a vacation. Part of our vacation was spent hiking around lava flows, volcano craters and sulfur pits. The sulfer pits were active with steam and smoke  rising up from cracks in the scorched ground. The smell alone without disturbing it was putrid  to say the least. Signs warned us to stay on the trail and not to wander off. Leaving the trail could stir up a whole pot of trouble. Leaving the trail could cause one to stir up the sulfer  and pollute the air one would breathe  even more than what it was.

We as people always like to get in the last word or dig up old facts or rumors and repeat them. Then we sit back and watch the calamity or rise we obtain in others by not letting it just be.

Proverbs 16:27-28 

27. An ungodly man digs up strife. And it is on his lips like burning fire. 28. A perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates the best of friends

Just traveling  through those pits without tangling with one made both of us stink. Imagine if I just couldn't  "let it be" and I had decided  to go off the trail and explore an area I shouldn't have. I might have tripped  and fell into a hot quagmire. I would have gotten involved  in something I shouldn't  have. Thus the stink would have rubbed off on me. People, whatever it is, sometimes  it is  just best to "let it be:.


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