Monday, July 16, 2018

When Fast Food Is Not So Fast 7/16/2018

Good Morning,

Monday arrived right on time and I am looking forward to this week. Our family is coming for a visit  and we are ecstatic about this summer surprise. I just poured a big cup of Door County Ethiopian Blend Coffee and not it is time to write.

Galatians 6:2 New International Version (NIV)
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Last night we decided that we had worked in our yard long enough. The temperatures outside were hot and humid. Both Rene and I kept ourselves hydrated with ice cold water. I took the dog swimming to keep him cool and he had an ample supply of water outside. But the heat had drained us.

We worked hard and by dinner time we were beat and did not want to cook. We decided that we needed to treat ourselves to a cold sandwich from a fast food submarine sandwich shop. We have a few choices as to where we purchase our sandwiches but have now limited it to two. We like both places and we switch off between the two.

When I arrived at the sandwich shop and walked in I was surprised to see 13 customers standing in line. I think many people had the same idea. No one wanted to cook in this heat. I could see right away I would not be home in 15 minutes, which is the normal trip for me.

I could tell that the sandwich crew was down one person. For whatever reason, instead of three sandwich makers, they were only two strong. I was waiting for the customers to get a little agitated with the crew because of the wait time. That never happened. Our two sandwich elves apologized sincerely for the extra wait and then set about to amaze us. These two worked together in unison and created a sandwich display that was worthy of a talent show. They organized their routine and went flying about the shop keeping everyone happy. They smiled as they worked and made a bad situation great. It did take longer to get our dinner, but I noticed the tip jar for our two sandwich engineers was bulging with tips. I think the group of hungry folks appreciated their dilemma, noticed the hard work done cheerfully and they rewarded the team with cash. I assumed the customers were aware of what it's like to have a rough day and they cut this food chain and the two sandwich engineers some slack. My faith in humanity was restored.

So today instead of attacking poor service or a bad situation, look to cut someone some slack and be kind. You never know when it will be your turn to receive some slack.

God bless,


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