Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Spin Outs In A Snow Storm 2/6/2018

Good Morning,

It is morning in Wisconsin and my mug was just filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to embrace the day!

Yesterday as I drove home from work the skies were dumping white fluff all over the highways and streets. Due to the weather being pretty cold the snow was light and fluffy. The salt that was laid down on the highways could not work due to the low temperatures. This made for some very slick roads. There is always those drivers who ignore the elements and drive too fast for conditions. I affectionately call them the "village idiots". They drive like they are untouchable by the road conditions and just don't pay heed to warnings. One fella in particular passed me on the highway. He reminded me of a kid running for the ice cream truck. I have never witnessed an ice cream truck running  out of frozen treats. So what's the rush? Anyway it was just about a mile down the road when I saw this same guy facing the wrong way in traffic. As I passed him in my four wheel drive truck I could see the fear in his eyes. The spin out must have been an experience he won't forget.

Folks that is how life can be when we get into the fast lane, a lane best left untraveled. We get into things that are not good for us and before we know it they suck us into more trouble and life seems to spin out of control. For instance a little flirting at the lunch table that goes unchecked and unhedged can lead to mistakes further down the road and before you know it you are in divorce court. There are many examples of spin outs in life. The Bible has a few things to say about it and advises us to "hedge our eyes and our thoughts". This is very good advice. However, you must choose to walk in that victory. Daniel “purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself” (Daniel 1:8). Every believer needs to make that decision as well. God promises, If from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul” (Deuteronomy 4:29).

We can drive through life sensibly and safely when we choose to. But it is our choice to make.



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