Monday, February 19, 2018

Cream Of Pheasant And Wild Rice Soup Keeping Your Word 2/19/2018

Good Morning,

The alarm went off our dog was barking at a rabbit he saw outside and just then the last of the Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee started to brew. It must be Monday.

Yesterday Rene and I planned a date to spend the late morning and afternoon together. Her idea was to do something that she liked to do and then we would do something I like to do. So we shopped for antiques to appease her desire and then I took her pheasant hunting to meet my needs.

Now I need to admit to everyone that I like to look at antiques so the shopping was not a big sacrifice for me. Later, Rene put on her snow boots and a blaze orange vest and trudged behind our dog. It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, but by late afternoon the wind had a bite to it. She never complained a bit about chasing birds or gun fire or stepping in some dog poop. I even offered to have her sit in the truck and read her book. She declined and said that a deal was a deal. Half way into the hunt I started to feel a little guilty for making this deal with her. She was slowing down a little and after we bagged some pheasants I called it quits. We stopped for a burger and I asked her how she was holding up and she said a nap would be in order and soon after we were on the road she fell asleep.

While driving home I was thinking about what I would do with the pheasants. Rene loves two pheasant dishes that I make. One is cream of pheasant soup and the other is pheasant and biscuits. We had enough pheasants to make both of the dinners. We will be eating pheasant soup tomorrow. I told her about my menu idea and she smiled and said, "I  enjoyed being outside and the exercise was great. I will enjoy eating them much more".

Matthew 5:37 New King James Version (NKJV)
37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

What does this have to do with a devotion for today? I am sure Rene was hoping to hear me say that after antique shopping that my idea for our date would be to go to Cabelas and look at hunting and fishing gear. But she kept her word and it was important to her to not back down even though I gave her an out.

We need to keep our word to our spouses and children. It is important that they know what we say, is what we will do. It is important that they know we can be counted on. When we learn to keep our word in the little things, they know we can be counted on for the big things.

Food for thought!


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