Thursday, February 15, 2018

2018 Winter Olympics 2/15/2018

Good Morning,

The alarm clock interrupted some serious sleep this morning. The redeeming factor though was that I could hear the Door County Caramel Latte Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Yesterday is gone and I can't say that I miss it. It was a tough day at work.

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Last night Rene and I took some time to sit down and watch the 2018 Winter Olympics. While watching some of the ladies downhill skiing we both remarked at how fast the course was and that the women really were attacking it. You could see their knee joints taking a pounding as they flew down the hill. It was extremely sad to watch when a couple of them fell while giving it their best. Regardless of the fact that we were cheering for the USA we both felt bad when someone from any country experienced a wipeout.

We were discussing just how long we would last on that course and I was proud to say that I thought that I would make it about 100 yards before I fell, never to ski again. Rene however thought that she would finish the course, but stopping at the bottom probably would not be an option. We both laughed and said "Our better days are behind us".

Here is the point of the day. We watched many athletes compete over the last few days. It seemed to us that each one came and gave it their best shot. Some are going home with medals and many are not. But the real win is the fact that they were there and competed. That alone is worth applauding for them. They have put in years of practice and in many instances this has cost them a fortune. But for a few days when we watched the Olympic competition we were entertained by the world's best. The show was wholesome and not filled with vulgarity. It was something a family could watch together. I think the world needs more of this. It was easy on the mind and you could cheer for the favorite, root for the underdog, and pray for those who took a tumble.

So as for Rene and me, we salute the athletes and want to thank God for the wholesome entertainment. 

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. Enjoying it as well and praying for your day! Thank you for always having a word of encouragement.
