Saturday, February 24, 2018

Smoked Salmon, Friends, And God 2/24/2018

Good Morning,

I am out of bed and on my feet waiting for my pot of Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee to finishing brewing. Our dog Gibbs is sitting by my feet and he would prefer that I start our Saturday morning bacon instead. But. it s time to write.

Yesterday afternoon I was able to join one of my old friends on a pheasant hunt. It has been a long, long time since I have had the time to do so. I have been putting in long hours at work and I just made some time to go and enjoy some time off for a few hours.

I have had some great times hunting with this guy, but we have had even greater times when we just chatted for awhile over a cup of coffee. The talk is always wholesome and uplifting. There was a time when for several years his sister was battling cancer and we would talk about her battle and her walk with God. The Lord call her home not long ago and we talked about her yesterday again while munching on smoked salmon. The afternoon was authored and completed by God.

Dear readers, yesterday afternoon is just a snippet in a life time but one that I cherish. I came home and before going to sleep I prayed for my friend and offered up a prayer of thanks. Having a few friends is a gift from God, and the land we walked is a gift from God. The dogs who worked so beautifully together are a gift from God. Being able to afford to pay my way is a gift from God. And that piece of fish we munched on is a gift from God. The afternoon was authored and completed by God.

All good things come from God and we need to take time to send Him some thanks for the blessings he bestows on us.
James 1:17 New International Version (NIV)
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

I pray that everyone who reads this is befriended by someone and that they can be a friend to someone. Friendship is a gift from God and should be treated as such and never to be taken for granted.

So today as you have some time, call an old friend and later thank God for the experience.

Love to all,


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