Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Spaghetti Sauce And Marriage. 2/14/2108

Good Morning,

May your day be blessed with love from heaven today. I am enjoying a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee as I write and I am content.

My Italian lineage has directed a few plates of pasta my way throughout the years. I believe that I make some pretty good pasta sauce myself. The sauce all starts late in the summer when we begin harvesting tomatoes from our garden and start to put them up for the rest of the year. We grow our own oregano, peppers and garlic. These items are also put up to use throughout the year. Making the sauce takes time. I believe in letting the sauce cook slowly. This allows the meatballs, chicken or sausage to add some flavor to the sauce and in return the sauce is soaked up and absorbed into the meat. For our sauce, patience is the key. I add just a little sugar to the sauce to produce a sweeter flavor. A few special spices added later and we have a meal fit for any pasta lover.

But as I said before this takes time to produce. This includes nurturing the tomatoes, making sure as they grow on the vine that they receive enough sun, and just the right amounts of water. The garlic needs to be dried and peeled. We then mix it with olive oil after it is chopped and refrigerate enough of it for a year.

This all takes time and effort. As we celebrate a love holiday today known as Valentines day I think of love relationships and marriage as spaghetti sauce. You get out of a love relationship what you put into it. Marriage like pasta sauce takes time to perfect. Marriage needs nurturing, a little sweetness and now and then a little spice to keep things lively. All good marriages are an investment in time and commitment by both partners, working toward the best marriage they can obtain. Patience with each other is the key and most of all just like tomatoes the marriage needs to be bathed in the Son. In this instance, Jesus is the key ingredient to the marriage. There needs to be time spent together with the Son of God .

Proverbs 3:3-4: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."

There is nothing like a fine pasta sauce and there is nothing sweeter than a man and woman in love, who both center their life around Jesus Christ. With Jesus as the main ingredient to the marriage, you have a no fail recipe for a life long walk with each other.

Enjoy this day. It is a gift from God.


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