Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Winds Of Change 1/7/2018

Good Morning,

The Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee inside my trusty mug just doesn't seem hot enough this morning. I am not sure why, but it is going back on the stove for a warm up. There is nothing worse than a cup of lukewarm coffee.

I am seeing the winds of change beginning to blow again across the world within evangelical churches. It has me concerned. Although with good intentions to reach many people the church has started to become the center of social activities for people. I use the word people instead of members. Now there are many verses that can support the theory of gathering socially and I for one do partake in some social activities offered by the church. But when the social calendar of a church is full of more social activities than prayer meetings, and opportunities for Spiritual growth we will have a problem teaching  and maturing Christians.

Let's use this analogy. Rene and I like to attend concerts or "show venues from time to time. In order to hear a music star we enjoy we might have to travel to do so. If our local city does not offer the venue we want, we travel. We have actually found it more appealing to attend the entertainment in another city. So we look around more and really aren't faithful to one area. As churches compete to attract folks by entertainment we create "nomadic church hoppers" looking for the best or what will suit us for the moment. Not dedicated people who follow the God and look to grow where He planted us and serve others. We must be careful to look at the Bible which warns us on how churches are looked at in the book of Revelation.

Ephesus - The Loveless Church (Revelation 2:1-7)
The church of Ephesus had many positive qualities; Christ commended them in five specific ways—they were dynamic, dedicated, determined, disciplined, and discerning (Revelation 2:2-3). But verse 4 reveals where they went wrong. “Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Everything about the Ephesian church looked good on the outside, but inwardly they had heart trouble. Their devotion to Christ was waning.
If you find yourself in this place with your relationship with Christ, remember what you were saved from and preach it.


“Remember therefor from where you have fallen” (Revelation 2:5).

So for instance when was the last time you heard the term "Born Again" in your church compared to loving others. Now loving others is a key fundamental pillar of the church. But do we love others enough to tell them the whole Gospel and a give them more than ample experiences for mature Christian growth? There are two sides to this discussion. Let's give the people activities at church so they do not have to seek them from the world. I can support that, but not at the cost of leading them to a deeper love and relationship with God. There is a fine line here and in choosing to be popular instead of foundational we run the risk of creating "nomadic church hoppers" who are like my coffee. It is there but lukewarm and basically useless.

Laodicea — The Lukewarm Church (Revelation 3:14-22)
The church in Laodicea was lacking in every way. It was a compromising, conceited, and Christless church and Christ said that it made Him sick (Revelation 3:16). Today’s Church should take note; those words may apply to us as well. We would be well advised to apply this counsel to our lives and churches today.

The Prescription for Spiritual Poverty

The Laodiceans were rich, but their riches were worldly, not spiritual. They needed spiritual wealth which can only come through Christ (Revelation 3:18).

So, from here I leva my soap box to enjoy the day God has given us. I pray you will do so also.


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