Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Frozen Lake 1/6/2018

Good Morning,

I am waiting on a hot cup of Door County White Chocolate Cinnamon Dolce Coffee. It really seems like the coffee maker is moving just a little slow today. But I am sure that it is just me being impatient.

Where we live the weather brings some really cold temperatures to us in the winter. During the winter our inland lakes freeze over, with up to two feet of ice cover or more. Many of my friends will walk out on the ice with 2 to 3 inches of cover and drill a hole and fish. (Ice Fishing). I for one believe that ice is best kept in a glass or pitcher. For me sitting on ice and fishing just seems crazy. Not being one to judge, I appreciate their passion for the sport they love and always wish them the best. Like every outdoors sport there can be some risk. If the ice cover is too thin the danger of falling through and not coming back up from the icy trap is the biggest risk. So it is best to wait until the ice is sufficient to hold you and your gear. Frostbite because of frigid temperatures is another danger. Most of the people I know wear proper clothing and erect a little shanty with a heater inside to sustain them as they fish all night long.

As for me, I prefer a boat, a fishing pole, and a nice warm day or evening to do my fishing. This usually starts in May. I tend to hibernate from fishing on the ice.

But here's the point. Fishing on the ice is no skin off of my back and many of my friends really enjoy doing it. It just is an example of people being different. We all were made with differences. I would love to be six feet tall, but I am not. I used to have a thick head of hair on top of this chrome dome, but that is long gone. Some guys my age still have thick long hair. It just makes us different.

We all have One thing in common. God created each and every one of us. He made the differences and allows us each to have our own thoughts, habits, and desires. Some people dread cold weather, yet I like it. I haven't swatted a mosquito in months!!!!!

That does not make me crazy or the enemy of those who prefer hot weather. It just makes me different. A young teenager once said to me that a good suggestion is to practice this. "You don't have to like it. You just have to respect it". This was said during a discussion on differences of opinions.

God gives us some good advice on how to deal with each other when differences grind at each other.

Romans 12:18New International Version (NIV)
18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

We need to strive hard and tolerate others. This is not condoning sinful habits, but yet loving each other as God's creation to be able to live in peace. It is up to God to judge each one of us as to our sins. Again this does not mean I have to embrace sin, I have to embrace the sinner as a human and respect the right they have been given by God to make their own choices.

This is very hard for some to do and at times I myself struggle with this concept. But God expects us to try and do our best. I for one detest abortion and cannot condone it whatsoever. But it does not give me the right to attack those who make a choice I do not believe in. Yet I can pray that it stops and I can pray for those walking through the doors of the clinic. I can do all within my legal means to not let my tax money support what I do not believe in. But yet, I cannot stop a practice by sinning myself and breaking the law. This would be walking contrary to God's Word.

So today, when someone with forty head piercings knocks on your door and you are one that thinks the mouth and two ears you have are all the holes you need in one head , look beyond the piercings and see the person as God does. You will live at peace a lot easier.


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