Saturday, September 23, 2017

Don't Exaggerate 9/23/2017

Good Morning,

Headed North with a cup of Door County Maple Chocolate Cherry Coffee in my hand, a prayer on my lips and some more than qualified help to tackle a project in Michigan. I do foresee the shooting of a duck or two.

Saturday's Godly principle is plain and simple. Don't exaggerate. If I were to tell people that I have the world's greatest duck boat for sale, worthy of rowing up and down the Mississippi river, it would be more than a slight exaggeration. Even if I put a paint job on this relic, it would be like putting lipstick on a pig.

Psalm 120:2English Standard Version (ESV)
Deliver me, O Lord,
    from lying lips,
    from a deceitful tongue.

People exaggerate to puff themselves up to others, make what they possess look better, or to make a profit on some unsuspecting buyer. The boat is what it is. You have what you have. You are who you are. When we exaggerate we are actually lying.

An old detective television show from the 1960's would find one of the detectives taking notes and trying to sort out the facts from exaggeration while interviewing a witness or a victim. He would say, "State the facts Mam, just the facts."  Exaggeration has caused many folks to have their blood pressure sky rocket over statements which add untruths to a circumstance.

Hang around with a enough fisherman and when they tell a story the fish is always bigger the next time the story is told. But any way you fry the fish it was a fib. And a lie is a sin.

God bless,


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