Sunday, April 23, 2017

With Hope In Your Heart 4/23/17

Good Morning,

My day started at 2:30 AM and I was drinking hospital coffee instead of some Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It worked in a pinch but it just wasn't the same. I guess I am spoiled, when it comes to my morning brew.

Miles of paper have been consumed just by the word Hope. Recently I have written about a Christian's future home being heaven.I mentioned that we are just passing through and today's issues do not follow us to heaven. This is true. But some people have a skewed view on getting to heaven. They believe that one can attain heaven through works and performing good deeds. This is untrue philosophy. 

There is only one way that can secure that destination for us. My personal guarantee is my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. This gives me an assured hope for tomorrow. My hope is built on nothing less than the shed blood of Jesus and His righteousness.  This hope also gives us peace in times like the world events of today. My hope is assured by my beliefs. Jesus said. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes unto the Father except by Me.

We can face each day with hope because each day is only 24 hours. At the end of each day wr are closer to that eternal destination of heaven. But while we are here our job is to lead others to that place where they place their hope and trust in Jesus Christ.  So no rushing the process. We are to take care of our Earthly bodies and do everything to live until God calls us home. We have a purpose in living. We live to bring hope to others.

So today instead of spreading open the newspaper and falling asleep.  Spread the Hope Jesus provides.

God bless.
