Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Two Dear Friends And Vacation 4/18/2017

Good Morning,

Hey! I can smell that Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee brewing in the kitchen. The aroma has wafted it's way to the den. That's a great way to fill the house with a sweet meet and greet to the morning.

Rene and I have been praying for two of our dear friends, who to say the least have had a rough road these last two years. Health issues placed them on the sidelines of life. These are two people who despite their health problems, always did whatever they still could do for others. They often write to me and encourage me in my daily writings. I am grateful to God for them daily.

What they do know is that within our family they are truly loved and prayed for every day. We have been praying for their health and for their jobs for a long time. Both items seem to be moving in the right direction.

What they did not know is that we have been praying for them to get a restful vacation in a warm spot. That prayer was answered and they are now on vacation with their family in a nice, warm area. Now although we prayed for this, it was God who provided enough health for them to travel. Their jobs excused them from work and they could carpool with family. It brings tears to my eyes just to know that my friends are getting a good rest. And to be honest, most of all, that they are both well enough to do so.

I am convinced that as Christians we need to intercede and ask for blessings for others. These two are unselfish people and would never ask for something like a vacation and a rest. They are too busy doing things for others to remember to pray for their own comfort.

Hanging around with these two always has a positive impact on us. We see them pray for others and show compassion without receiving much in return. They truly put others first. I don't think they know how they inspire the both of us. The reason they do not know about how they inspire others, is because they don't do it for the praises of man. They do what they do, to please the Lord.

John 4:33-35New King James Version (NKJV)
33 Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?”
34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. 35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!

The verse above describes my friends. I have it underlined in my Bible. When I read it I think of these two.

They are always full of surprises and they assisted in keeping me away from a lasagna dinner for almost two months. ( I will elaborate on that, later in the week). So now it was our turn to pray for some peace and relaxation for them. Right now I am confident that they are making a difference in someone's life while vacationing.

So here's how to finish this blog. Are you praying for good things for someone today? Did you drop to the bottom of your prayer list, to put others first?

Take a little time to ask God for blessings on others today.


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