Sunday, April 9, 2017

We Are Impatient People 4/9/2017

Good Morning,

Sunday is here and I am headed off to church soon. My hand will be holding a big mug of Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee and I plan on putting it to good use.

In an age where we can obtain information with a touch of a screen and purchase things without even making a phone call, faith and patience seem to have no place.
When I was a kid and we wanted soup we opened the can, placed the soup in a pan and placed it on the stove to boil. Now we can just plop it into a bowl and microwave it within seconds. I have watched people tap their fingers with impatience on a microwave when they think it is taking too long to cook. If they only knew what life was like before microwaves.

We have become an impatient people. We are spoiled with by our sense of immediacy. When we do have to spend a little extra time in the grocery store check out line, we begin to grumble. I remember as a child, our closest grocery store only had one check out line and it was what it was. We have transferred this impatient attitude to our faith and relationship with God. I see many Christians today that grow impatient with God and then walk away from Him, pouting and snarling because they did not like His answer to prayer or it was taking too long for God to provide it "their way". God should not and cannot be rushed. When we place Him in the category of a "slow microwave" He ceases to be God to us and He becomes an accessory or appliance in our life. This is a dangerous practice and should be avoided at all costs. We need to remember that the One we now treat like an appliance is God, and there is no other.

In today's text we see that in our faith we need to wait on God for His timing and answer.

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
—Romans 8:25

If we wait on God and trust in His wisdom to do only what is best for us we can wait with patience. In God we trust. It is more than just a phrase on a coin.

God bless,

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