Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Put Your Head On My Shoulder 4/19/2017

Good Morning,

Door County Red Velvet Mocha Coffee is swirling in my cup and dancing on my taste buds. Now that's what I think is a great way to greet the day.

Back in the day, when I was young and in high school, all of us guys used "pick up" lines or goofy music to sway the hearts of young ladies in our direction. We would get all slicked up, wash our car, and head out to a dance, homecoming, or a movie hoping to end up with a girlfriend by the end of the date. I was about as corny as one guy could get. I had an old hot rod Ford equipped with an eight track player and a collection of sappy love songs. My old two door Ford had a full bench seat and all a guy wanted was to look cool by having that young lady slide all the way over from her seat and sit with her head on your shoulder. Back in the day, seat belts were optional and a guy had a better chance of true love without them.

I recall my most romantic antic was to go for Frozen Custard at a place named Leon's and then sit there munching on the custard, listening to sappy romantic love songs. I would slip an eight track tape into the dash and the song "Put your head on my shoulder" would start playing. Every now and then that romantic plea would work and we would spend the evening driving around looking cool with my dream date sitting close to me with her head on my shoulder. I had a million songs and could play them for hours or until I ran out of gas. Running out of gas is another whole different story.

Now most of these antics were very shallow pick up attempts for romance. I would like you to consider something else today. Jesus is never shallow and every word that comes from Him is true and is full of love. When Jesus speaks, it is never just some pick up line. Jesus is the real deal.

Revelation 3:20New International Version (NIV)
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Revelation 3:20 is often used by evangelists to reach the unchurched or lost souls who grace the steps of a revival or church. I won't dispute the use of the text. However, as I look at this verse, Jesus is saying this. "I am here in front of you. You control the door, and the door swings in. I will, if you ask me to, come into your life and have a relationship with you. "

Back in the time of Christ, it was very special to be invited into a person's home and partake of dinner. It was an honor to be that close, that people would share their best with you. Jesus considers it an honor for you to open the door of your life to Him. He won't decline the invitation and can be counted on to bring peace to the heart of the one who opened the door.

I believe this verse is an open invitation to companionship, love and an eternal relationship. It is your choice as to how close you want to be with Jesus. You are as close to Jesus as you choose to be.

You hand is upon the handle of your heart's door. Won't you open it today?


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