Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Flowers Of Spring 4/27/2017

Good Morning,

My wishes for all of you would be for you to find a bush, tree or flower that is aromatic and you take some time to enjoy it today. I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. This one has a taste that lasts!

This day is a bonus for me. I noticed last night that our yard is starting to bloom. Life has been restored to the winter tundra and the apple trees are flowering out as well as the lilacs. The crabapple trees of crimson and white are a sight to see. The birds began nesting a few weeks ago and they continue to chase our dog around the yard.  As for the bonus? Well, we have lived here since 1994 and in 1995 we planted these trees and bushes. I have been watching these trees and bushes grow for 22 years. The apples have made pies and gallons of applesauce. Some were used to feed the deer of Northern Michigan. Each year I celebrate another year of witnessing God's wonders of creation blossoming in our yard. This is a bonus for me. At one time we could barely afford to complete the yard. Some of the trees were given to us for free and were only 6-8 inches tall. I thought that they would never grow. But that first year we had a few blossoms on the lilac bush and then the apple trees followed suit the next year. God reveals Himself to me through the miracles of the seasons, and the beauty in nature. I look forward to this day every year.

We planted the saplings and bushes, but God is the One who paints the landscape for us. He is the real Arborist and Artist.

Psalm 96:11-12New International Version (NIV)
11 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
12 Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
I count "Blossom Day" as a blessing each year when the yard springs into life again. I find peace looking at the trees, praying for a big harvest and thanking God for allowing me to see the trees bud forth. I can already taste that applesauce. I look forward to the harvest and those dear friends that might harvest with us, all of us laughing in the yard. You see, those trees do more than feed us. They give us shade, amuse us and are a reminder as to how blessed we are.
Thank you Lord,