Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Stooping Low Makes Us Taller 1/10/2017

Good Morning,

A little road travel awaits me on this day and the weather forecast is calling for freezing rain. What that calls for is patience and an insulated bottle filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee.

Have you ever imagined what a six foot man looks like to a two year old toddler when he is standing over them?  The little one has to look up and listen to the much larger person. It could be quite intimidating. I have found that when I wanted to teach a child something I would have to get to a small table or down on the floor eye to eye for them to listen. I had to stoop low and sit on a kids chair to be real to them when I taught Sunday School to 5 year olds many years ago for a short time.

Many families have at one time or another while hosting large dinners dedicated a separate table for the children. What a graduation day that was when you were finally allowed to eat at the adult table. It was always the fun aunt or uncle that would volunteer to sit with the kids so there wasn't a disaster at the children's table. They had to give up their rightful place at the adult table and spend it with the kids mopping up spills and cutting meat for the young ones.

But those are the aunts and uncles that the kids remember. Jesus did the same thing. He stooped to meet us. He stooped down to sleep in a manger, work as a wood smith, sleep in a fishing boat , hang around with crooks, prostitutes and lepers. He stooped low enough to be spat on, beat up, and nailed to some lumber. He stooped low enough to taste death, stay in a tomb, and then with a rumble stood tall and declared Satan's power over death to be defeated. He stood tall to silence the accusers of the prostitute.

He does the same for you and me now.

Romans 8:34New International Version (NIV)
34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Jesus is the perfect example of bending low and not considering His place as the Son Of God more important than us. He bent low, just to stand tall for others.

When was the last time you reached out to the down trodden, lived with them, fed a homeless person, took someone in, went without a meal so that others might have one? When was the last time you drove a drunk home without lecturing, but praying silently to yourself?

Let Jesus be your example. You have to meet people where they are, not where you want them to be.

In bending low, you become tall.

God bless,


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