Thursday, January 26, 2017

Preparing For Snow 1/26/2017

Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and I am watching the steam rise and float away. Now that's hot coffee to say the least.

Last night we were warned about some snow coming our way over the next few days. So I hauled in some extra firewood and made sure the snow blowers started. It has been quite a few weeks since I needed to use them and I always like to be prepared. I filled the vehicles gasoline and was content to rest after all that work was done.

Rene was waiting for me when I came inside from my chores quite content and happy with myself.  Her remark was somewhat funny. "You function best when you are outside and busy".  I had to think about that for a moment and agreed with her. I like being outside no matter how cold it gets. I like snow flakes falling on my face and I like wearing warm clothes.

But then my thoughts turned to summer and I again found myself outside. I am always the last one in the house. I would rather wind down in a chair on the patio listening to a baseball game and drinking lemonade than watching television. I enjoy thunderstorms and a good display of lightning. I like to putz in the garage making things or reconstructing antiques.

So I pondered her remark and thought to myself "I am happier outside". Now what's the big deal about enjoying the outdoors? The answer is "NOTHING AT ALL." We all have peculiarities and I will own the fact that mine are odd.

John 1:12New International Version (NIV)
12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

I might be known as the outdoor neighbor, a healthcare worker, husband, father, grandpa, duck hunter, church elder, friend or foe. But in none of those titles do I find my identity or my significance.  My true identity is a sinner saved by grace, a child of the King, an heir to a Kingdom and a member of the family of God. God made me and I am one of a kind. I am "Designer Made". Some day by the grace of God and because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ I will be going home to heaven for eternity.

That is my real identity. In that identity I find my significance. One man died for me, because He loved me. That's all I need to know.  I am more than a guy with a warm hat, hot coffee, and snow blowers that start.

And so are you!

God bless,


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