Sunday, January 22, 2017

Praying For The Babies 1/22/2017

Good Morning,

I awoke this morning and I thought to myself "I need to greet God right now". I thanked Him for loving me. I thanked Him for another day and for the wonderful sleep I had. I also thanked Him for a warm bed and the cup of Door County Apple Cobbler Coffee I was going to drink in a few minutes.

It might sound very simplistic of me. I did not at that moment have world peace on my mind, the government, finances, mission trips, or anyone else. I just needed to say thank you and commune with God before I moved on. If you are reading this and have started your day without prayer, stop reading and take time to do so. Start your prayers with what you are thankful for.

Later this morning, I need to go to work for awhile. I have several things to do, but I won't be tying up the whole day doing so. One thing I have to do is to start planning a project that needs to be done in our Hospital's  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Since I will be at the hospital for other reasons I plan on stopping by with a note pad and hopefully my brain. I will think the process through and revise my notes and while there I plan to pray for those little babies by myself. Of course I will pray for their health, but I want to pray for their future and the world we will hand to them some day. I will pray while sitting for their future spouses. I don't know the names of these kids, but God does. I will pray for their parents to be loving, and kind. I will pray for their relationship with Jesus Christ.

I may never know the answer to these prayers. I truly doubt that I will. These babies will never know that while planning a project that they won't even know happened, someone took a moment to pray for them.  Most of them will be long home by then. But God knows. He will be there when I start planning the project. He will be there when I pray for a moment or two. He will be there long after I leave for home. I always start any project that I work on with prayer. I end the project with a prayer of thanks. When I am led to, I pray for people that pass by. I pray for those in car accidents that I see when I drive by and the police lights illuminate the area.

This is not written to brag about my prayer life, not at all. I wish it were better, It is written to remind us that God is available 24/7 for us to call on Him for others and ourselves. It only takes a moment. But in that passing moment, you spent time personally with God. Those are times to be cherished.

Jeremiah 29:13New International Version (NIV)
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

My bed was comfortable and warm. But the two minutes with God at the start of the day was the sugar in my coffee. You don't need to see the results of your prayers to know that they have been heard. The first result of any prayer is the fact that you just spent time with God.

Have a great day! Start it out right.


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