Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Candle Without A Match 1/17/2017

Good Morning,

I can hear the Door County Candy Cane Coffee brewing in the kitchen, our dog is wagging his tail next to me and I feel awake and alive. God is good.

I took this picture of one of our antique candle holders. If you look closely you can see that the wick has been lit before and at one time this candle illuminated our dining room during a storm. In order for the candle to be able to fulfill it's purpose it relies on someone with a match to ignite the flame.  There is always great potential stored within the candle to light up a room and make a difference. But without a match, the candle is just potential at rest.

Our kids have great potential within. While raising them and spending time with them we can see how they are wired and know what their potential is. This is especially true when they look to a ministry or volunteer services at church or school. Many parents see their child as the next brain surgeon or as the team leader in an Olympic event. They see gold in their future. But once the child says that they are bent on volunteering or seeking to minister in missions we tell them to "go to school, have a back up plan. You just never know." We do not trust the Lord and His call on their life.

This is a failure on our part to be the lit match that helps to illuminate the child into what God wants them to be. We snuff out the flame of their call. All that passion, desire, and potential goes to waste because we refuse to let God have His way with our child. We need to encourage, not discourage.

Matthew 19:14         
But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Are you a spark or flame that can be used to encourage your child in a call on their life? Or are you a wet match that cannot encourage and help them to shine bright for the Lord?

Have a great day!


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