Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Cool Clear Water 1/11/2017

Good Morning,

I listened to high winds pounding the house last night until around midnight. It was quite the symphony of noise. Now I can hear the Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee trickle into the pot. I like that sound much better.

Last night I attended our church elders meeting and in order to do so I asked my good friend to lead our Men's Ministry Bible Study. Our elders meeting was very good and productive. When I got home I was very thirsty. I ran the tap in our kitchen for a minute and filled a glass with very cold water. I drank it down and could not believe how good it tasted and how it soothed my thirst. Where we live, there is a large source of clean fresh water. And during this time of the year it runs very cold. That glass of water was very refreshing.

My thoughts turned to my friends in Haiti where fresh water is expensive and is usually never cold or very refreshing. But it is still vital to life. I can turn on the tap for a cool drink or a shower. Many in Haiti still take showers with a small bucket. I will never take for granted a nice cool drink of water and a shower after my last trip to Haiti.

But I seemed to have more on my mind than a drink of water.  I took some time to sort it out through prayer. What was revealed to me is that although I fulfilled my calling at church by attending a meeting I was still missing something. I missed being in the Bible study learning with the other guys. I missed that 1.5 hours in the Word of God. I could drink all the water I wanted and my spirit would still thirst for time with Jesus. Nothing was going to satisfy my spiritual thirst but time in the Word, and prayer.

John 4:13-14New International Version (NIV)
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

I took care of that thirst with time studying and praying. I was able to sleep and my thirst for God was satisfied for the night.

Do you thirst? Are you satisfied deep down inside? Does something seem to be missing? If so, drink from the well of God that overflows with love, guidance and wisdom. Let your cup run over.

God Bless,


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