Thursday, October 6, 2016

When The Soda Goes Flat 10/6/2016

Good Morning,

How can I start a day by forgetting to set the timer on the coffee pot? Now I have to be patient and wait for a big cup of Door County Raspberry Butter Crunch Coffee. I discovered that I am not a patient person.

Rene my lovely wife loves to drink Diet Dr. Pepper soda pop for a beverage. This has been her choice for as long as I have known her. She fills a glass when she get's home and sips on it through the night. She never adds ice to it and most of the time is drinking it at room temperature by the end of the night. As for me, I like my beverages hot our ice cold. Nothing in between works for me.

The worse part of this story is that she often leaves a half of glass sitting on the night stand and will get up in the morning and finish it. Yuck! Any carbonated soft drink will lose it's fizz by morning. The liquid does not even bubble. It is flat, but she drinks it anyway.

I'll bet that some of us feel like our life is a flat soda and we have lost all the fizz. We are like Rice Krispies that lost the snap, crackle, and pop.

I have a cure for a life that has lost it's fizz. Engage with the God and ask Him what you can do for others today. It might be that you need to send a card, visit , clean, the possibilities are endless. When you are obedient you are worshipping God. While worshipping and serving others you refill your fizz. It gives you snap, crackle and pop. Your life gets rejuvenated because your heart beats for others and a heart beats strongest when it beats for someone else.

The central theme of our Christian faith is the death and resurrection of Jesus. In his time of prayer before the whole saga began he said in Matthew 26:39 “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” This selfless act of service is the ultimate act of worship. Most people think of the cross as a great act of worship and it was, but the purpose of the cross was not worship. The purpose of the cross was redemption.

The real act of worship was found in the words “yet, not as I will, but as you will.” That simple phrase shows us the greatest act of worship anyone can ever give: Obedience!

Want some fizz, some zip, some zap, some boom back in your life? Ask God to show you what He wants you to do today, obey and experience the ultimate worship experience.

Have a great day!


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