Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Falling In And You Can't Stop It. 10/12/2016

Good Morning,

Gibbs and I are still in North Dakota hunting ducks. The ducks are winning. But the company has been great and the food awesome. There is a pot of Door County Dublin's Delight Coffee brewing add some Cheerios to the mix and we have the start of a great day. It is cold here!

Yesterday one of our companions had the misfortune to step wrong in the marsh. The marsh bottoms here are fondly referred to Zombie Mud. They can hang up the most sure footed people as well as us old clumsy guys. Our friend was introduced to some very cold stinky water and it went right into his waders. All of us could sympathize with him. I think we have all tasted the unforgiving marsh and it's cool greeting. He is dried out and will hit it hard again tomorrow. He's that kind of guy. A little marsh bath won't stop him. I know some guys though that it would stop and they would give up hunting in cold weather.

Psalm 37:24New International Version (NIV)
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
    for the Lord upholds him with his hand

The world is full of marsh baths. Life can turn on you and you begin to think that it's too hard to overcome the issue. My friend took a nasty bath but yet stayed out in the cold to hunt with his dad. He was committed to seeing it through. No quit in him. He is out again today. We can't let life hold us back. We have to get up from a fall, brush ourselves off and get going again. My friend could not stop from falling in. But he chose not to let the fall define his day or week.

When you feel like giving up, you are missing out on what God has to offer. There are so many things that demand our attention and while it may be good to leave behind unhealthy relationships, jobs, and habits, it's also important to keep fighting for what is good and right. Fight for marriage, fight for your kids, fight for your health - don't give up! Know that you are not alone, and know that we are in the hands of God- He will provide us with strength when we need it.

Don't quit.
