Monday, October 10, 2016

Ready To Hunt 10/10/2016

Good Morning,

This morning finds me in a motel and unable to brew any Door County Coffee. Tomorrow for sure will bring some Door County Country Morning Blend to my mug.

Day one of my duck hunting trip brings me to a little more travel, some scouting and then some serious hunting for a couple hours. Tuesday all the stops are off and the game is on.

Hebrews 13:14New Living Translation (NLT)
14 For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.

Last night we went for dinner at a Mongolian Grill and it was awesome! While standing at the cook area waiting for my food to be stone grilled a young man started a conversation with me. He assumed I was a local from Fargo North Dakota. He explained that he was in town because of an uncle who was very ill and in grave condition at the hospital. I told him I was from Wisconsin and visiting North Dakota. It was then that God reminded me that I am at home wherever I am and when someone is in need He will call on us to do something. I shook hands with this young fella, exchanged names and asked him for his uncle's name. He gave me the name and I stopped to pray for Stan right there. This young man smiled and went back to tell the people at his table what just happened. I told him I would continue to pray for Stan.

Wherever we are, we are in contact with our real home. We can call on God from where we are and should stop what we are doing to be there for others. I call this our duty of spontaneity. It took a minute or less to make a difference.

Off to scout and hunt.



  1. Go get em, and thanks for always being in the right place at the right time.

  2. Go get em, and thanks for always being in the right place at the right time.
