Monday, October 3, 2016

Apples And Friends 10/3/2016

Good Morning,

The day started early for me and I will surely enjoy my mug of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. I just wish I had some extra time to enjoy it slowly.

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease."Genesis 8:22

Yesterday we had our annual apple harvest from the trees in our yard. It seems like just yesterday those red apples were just pretty blossoms.

 A family who is very dear to us came once again to our rescue and assisted us with the chore. This year we were really blessed with a great crop. God is good. We had a simple lunch and then hit it hard. The four kids along with mom and dad, shook limbs, climbed trees and picked apples until they were all boxed up and set in the garage.  We loaded a few boxes into their van and soon after that they headed home.

This winter when I prune the apple trees and save the wood to use in our meat smoker I know I will recall the apple harvest . I will smile and maybe even chuckle. Our trees and our back yard were filled with laughter and good fun. The apples are a blessing and so is sharing them. But the fun we had is even more of a blessing. For a couple of hours we celebrated God's creation. Those kids cracked us up. We had a ball.

So here is the point. Enjoy life and share it with others. The celebrations will end some day . These kids will grow up and live who knows where. But the memories of seeing apples falling on our heads will warm that old age rocking chair.

What's your next memory? You have the power to make it happen.

God bless,


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