Wednesday, October 19, 2016

When The Shoe Is Wrong 10/19/2016

Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and my heart is filled with heavy thoughts today. These thoughts will not weigh me down but will push me to pray and seek answers. Coffee and prayer is a winning combination.

Galatians 5:22-24 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Speaking of winning combinations I wanted to increase my speed of walk while pheasant hunting. Now I did not want to go a lot faster but I was sure my idea would work. I would wear one hunting boot and one tennis shoe to hunt. I would be sure footed on one leg which I thought would do me just fine and then wear one tennis shoe to help increase the speed of my walk.

I should have known that I was not on the "right track" when the people at the gas station looked at me as if I were odd. How rude is that? Right now you are all thinking that I finally lost my mind.

But in all honesty I did try on one boot and one tennis shoe not to increase my speed but just to see how odd it felt. The sole height was really off and made walking almost comical. The grass was wet outside and the boot withstood the water but the tennis shoe was soaked. I actually walked slower and my knees were sore from the mismatch. You are now thinking that this boy is one French Fry short of a Happy Meal.

But here is my point. Shoes were made in pairs. When worn as a pair they are comfortable and can be very useful. Two shoes working together carry the load evenly, support the whole body, and are not irritating.  Look at the picture above. They are two boots that I wear while pheasant hunting. They are a right and a left boot. So there are some differences. Notice there aren't two rights or two lefts. That would be as clumsy as a bear dancing in a swamp. The differences compliment each other. But when a boot and a tennis shoe are combined into a pair the differences are too much to overcome.

So friends where am I going? Well I want to talk about dating. As a pair of boots has differences they also are somewhat alike and have a goal in common. Together they bring out the best in one another not the worst. They walk in unison and allow the owner to control the walk. Two left footed boots actually force someone to walk in an odd manor and not always in a completely straight direction. The owner has not control.

When dating someone the Owner of all relationships is God. With God at the head, the relationship starts out better. Our personalities do not have to be identical but they should support one another and always walk in a direction that leads both parties to God. Each person must bring out the best in the other. A good indication that you are walking with the wrong shoe is irritation. When the other person is bringing out the worst in you it's probably the wrong fit. Time for a new shoe. Dating is a good time to figure this out before you end up in marriage and are miserable.

So take time while dating. Make sure God is the common ground and that each of you leads the other to a deeper relationship with Him. When it is completely wrong and being with the other person brings out the worst in you. Call it quits, no harm no foul and find the match that God has for you. A good sign that the couple is the right fit is the fruit a relationship produces. Galatians 5:22-24 is a perfect test to see how fruitful the relationship is. Ok, Time to put my shoes on and go to work.

God bless,


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