Saturday, October 1, 2016

Chili Weather 10/1/2016

Good Morning,

My Thermos bottle is filled with Door County Apple Cobbler Coffee. Gibbs and I are headed out to start the opening day of duck season.

Soon I will be with good friends and relatives out in the field looking to bag some geese and possible some ducks. Later on I will be attending a high school football game to honor a couple of my coaches of long ago.

The weather is cool and rainy this morning. Earlier this week I made a big pot of spicy chili and I made enough of it just to be able to have some after I come home cold and soggy. I look forward to having a full mug of chili covered in oyster crackers. Before I eat I will pray for God to bless the food.  But if I really think about it I am already blessed to have a home to come back to and a bowl to eat from and more than that something in the bowl.

We take for granted our daily bread and as simple as a bowl of chili is we need to remember that every morsel is a blessing and we are to be thankful for it.

Luke 3:11 John replied, “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.”

In no time flat anyone could be homeless and hungry. How about paying back what was given to you? Could you spare some chili fixings for the food pantry this week? What you give to the pantry might be just what someone was praying for. How about you being an answer to prayer?

Pass it on!
