Saturday, April 9, 2016

You're Not A Kid Anymore 4-9-2016

Good Morning.

I am just sitting at the kitchen table looking at the snow covered ground and drinking a nice cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. It seems to be a good morning to ponder, read and pray.

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

As I get older it seems that I have found a little more patience in my well of gifts. I am going to admit though that I have very little patience for men and women who are continually stucohk in a rut needing attention, getting it but yet do not follow through. You point them to God's Word which clearly spells out directions and yet they don't listen and follow through. I met with a lady who was asking for prayer. She obviously was struggling with body weight.  She wanted God to help her lose weight.  What I did not tell you yet is that she asked this at lunch where she had just finished a monster burger, fries and three Cokes.  This was to be followed up with dessert.  I gently suggested that maybe a soup and salad would have been better. "I will do that tomorrow. I want to enjoy the day". I never again prayed about her weight. I did however pray that she would grow up and not in bulk, but spiritually.

Whining people drain my patience well very fast. There are those who want others to change yet react childishly in response to the other person when things do not go as they see fit. I call these folks "Fast Food Junkies". They want life their way. They refuse to grow where they are planted, stuck with a children's view of life's menu.

They refuse to look at the adult menu for life found in God's Word and follow it. Their love for God is reflected in their actions. They are self centered babes who refuse to follow God's directions. I find that especially amusing when they continue to tell God how it should be. Obviously they haven't read the book of Job.

Very little patience here for that. Sometimes I could scream! But then that would be reverting to where I don't want to go. So I pray instead, for God to do what He needs to do and I leave that up to Him.

If you ask. God will tell you if you are a Whiney little brat that needs a spanking. But most brats are afraid to ask. If you know someone like this, it's building up your well of patience.

Have some oat meal and coffee. Let's get this day started.


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