Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Prayers Include Grilled Brats 4-28-2026

Good Morning,

I heated my Door County Cherry Creme Coffee a little hotter than usual this morning.  I can't seem to warm up today.  I will bet the coffee does the trick.

A good friend of ours suffered an accident with her dog and the basement stairs 17 months  ago. It was a severe accident which has caused her a lot of pain and surgeries. Her activities have been curtailed to say the least. Just a week ago she underwent more surgery  to replace her knee joint. I have known this lady since grade school.  I remember walking home from school with her.

Of course she has been in our prayers and we hope for a full recovery.  My prayer is to see her walk into our yard for a picnic. But that is a selfish prayer on my part. Here is what really matters.  This little lady and her husband both have served the Lord passionately for years. This accident has pretty much removed them from ministry.  My friends cannot follow their passion and I know they miss it.

How does this impact you? We all know someone who needs prayer.  Can they count on you to pray for them? After a set back or four, do you continue to pray? Never quit praying for others or for yourself. The answer might just be one more day away. We need to be persistent in our prayer life. To be persistent we need to be consistent.  A good way to do that is to pick a time and a place to have your prayer time. A place that makes you comfortable. Pick a time that allows you to spend as much time as you  need. Someone is counting on you to pray.

Mark 14:32 They came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples,  "sit here while I pray".

God bless,


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