Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sharp Knife 4-23-2016

Good Morning,

Saturday at last. My cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee will soon be brewed and going down smoothly in just a few minutes.  Then it's outside to haul brush to the dump.

Most everyone who knows me would call me "Old School". I like to wear Old Spice After Shave, drink my coffee black, and believe in saying yes sir or yes mam as appropriate.

As long as I can remember my pants pocket has been the home to my pocket knife.  Every day when my keys are dropped into my right pocket, the left pocket has my knife placed inside. My knife is sharpened weekly. I use it to clean pheasants, ducks, geese, open letters, cut rope or card board. If I don't sharpen it regularly I can't use it effectively.  I believe every boy should have a pocket knife and should be taught to use it responsibly. I had that knife with me every day in grade school and the only time it came out was to cut an apple or sharpen a pencil.  Never, ever was it considered to be a weapon.  I remember cutting open an orange for one of my teachers.

But today kids can't carry a pocket knife to school because it is considered to be a weapon. It is  considered to be a weapon because they have been used as weapons. What's missing here with the kids of today? Discipline is missing.  If I had pulled an unsafe stunt with my pocket knife my rear end would have been sore from my meeting with my Dad. Oh but that is spanking. We can't do that anymore because liberal idiots frown on that. Howb is a kid supposed to cut his fishing line without a knife? Oh that's right we have them video fish instead.  Let's bring back common sense.  Let's prove that we are not the dullest knives in the drawer. Can I get an amen on this one?

Proverbs 29:15 The rod and rebuke give wisdom.  But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. 

Have a great day.


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