Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Real Deal 4-27-16

Good Morning,

Colossians 2: 4 Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words.

I started this day with hope in my heart, prayer on my lips and a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee in my mug.

Last weekend I was competing in the National Olympics of channel surfing when I came across a tv preacher. Now I have to tell you that there are many great television preachers doing a very good job. But this one I stumbled on was preaching up a storm and it wasn't fire and brimstone. It was a a bunch of manure. This fella had a flashy smile, luxurious suit, and an ego bigger than I have witnessed in a long time. He was very short on Scripture, lacked humility and was eager to tell how you could support him financially.The word I advised way too often and no glory and honor ws s given to God. The only way you could assist in God's work was with money.

The guy had a voice that any commentator would love to possess. Although he delivered an entertaining message. The message was totally off base Biblically.  I could see how many people would fall for this. He was really just entertaining people not being a shepherd to God's flock. He was a fake.

I relate this to designer fragrances. The real thing carries the name of the fragrance. Then someone comes along and makes a cheap imitation of the fragrance. Although it has an aroma it's not the real thing. The imitation is often advertised " just like". The imitation is cheaper but really it is still a fake or a lie. Be careful who and what you listen to. Check the message against Scripture.  Watch to see if they glorify God  or themselves.  Don't be fooled.

God bless.


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