Sunday, February 1, 2015

Inside Out 2/1/2015

Good Morning,

Today my coffee is Door County Caramel Apple. I found that I had a bag of this fall flavor scrolled away for a day just like this. What was to be a "possible significant snow storm" looks like a blizzard to me. I can hear the wind howling and as I watch this storm fill my yard with white stuff and it's not cotton candy. The house is warm, fire is crackling and the crock pot is filled with Cream of Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup. From my lofted den I have the radio playing some hymns of grace. I am content  and that is a good word for today.

1 Samuel 16:7New King James Version (NKJV)
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees;[a] for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Our Bible verse this morning is very relevant to today's world. Although some have used this verse to promote dressing down for church and being more comfortable, we are headed in a different direction today.

I believe if we were able to show the contents of our hearts in a way that would be visible to all we would see that there really is two different people in one body at times. God sees the contents of our hearts. He knows our true priorities , our hates, our sins, the true us. God doesn't care about how many Bibles you own, He just wants you reading His word. He doesn't care how well you verbally can state your prayers, He wants you to pray. He doesn't care how you worship, whether it be in silence and stillness or if you raise your hands and sway like a billowing willow tree. He just wants your praise to be true. He doesn't care that your kids are seen in church and at youth group. He wants to know if you lead them at home when no one is looking. He doesn't care if you serve in the church if you aren't doing it out of love for Him. He does not look at the outward appearance that all see. He sees the heart.

Boy that message today wasn't a "warm fuzzy" was it.? What you need to know is this. Most of these messages are for me. I just share them with you. 

So what if the contents of our hearts were exposed today for all to see. I bet many of us would be running to see a surgeon to get those deformities removed. Well the Great Physician sees them already. How about cleaning out His home? (your heart). If God had a license plate it might say something like this.                 
                                               Heaven  2015

Food for thought. Let that simmer in your crock pot today!

God bless,

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