Monday, February 2, 2015

Who Opened The Freezer? 2/2/2015

Good Morning,

Blizzard behind us today and the week ahead. Coffee up, pray up and hit the ground running. My mug is filled with Door County Christmas Coffee. I need to hide some of this away for a day in July!
I will forget where I put it for sure.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12        
And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

1 Timothy 5:13        
Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not.

The other night when I arrived home I could tell from the look on Rene's face that something was wrong. She informed me quickly that she had discovered that the freezer door had been left open and that there was somewhat of a thawed mess to clean up in the basement. Both of us silently wondered which one of the two of us was the nut that left the door open and caused the mess. I was sure it was her. Two hours later, after cleaning and defrosting the ice berg of Titanic size and throwing out some food  (90% was ok and was still frozen,) I emerged from the basement still bewildered as to how she could have done that, and she was silently wondering if I really did not like frozen spinach, but just wouldn't admit it.

Later I returned to the basement to make sure the freezer thermometer was registering zero once more and toss some rags into the clothes dryer I heard a weird sound. The door of the freezer was opening all by itself. I slowly turned around to see if Rene was sleep walking when I discovered the culprit. It seems as if our dog Gibbs knows how to find a pheasant even if it is cleaned and frozen. He can open that door with his nose. Now he did not eat anything but was just being "NOSEY". His nosiness caused plenty of trouble. He was scolded and sent to his bed without his nightly biscuit. Most of all it had us wondering about each other's mental state. He walks around the freezer now avoiding it at all costs. He loves his biscuits!

When we put our uninvited noses into another person's business we clearly are not being Biblical and often stir up trouble that never should have been. Yes we need to help others, but ask first. If they desire help let them know what you are doing for them and then keep it to yourself. Avoid "opening the freezer" and making a mess. Work on your own messes before you start to help others. You never know what spoiled issue you will find behind that door!

God bless,

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