Saturday, May 31, 2014

Jesus and His Love 5/31/14

Good Morning,

The day has started with a bowl of Cheerios and a cup of Door County Coconut Crush Coffee. My goal in June is to re-visit the Door County Coffee Company while taking a rest and relaxation trip to Door County Wisconsin.

I have a friend named Ara. We met on a mission trip a few years ago and then served the Lord again in Haiti on a trip a couple summers ago. She is a lovely young lady who is now returning to the United States after serving on the mission field in eleven countries in eleven months. Ara had to quit her job, raise enough support and be trained before she could even leave the US. This article is not being written to praise Ara. She would never want that. The question I want to raise today is what would compel a young lady to do this?

The answer is found in two parts. Jesus is Ara's Lord and King. He loves her and Ara loves Jesus. She heard Him call and she went. I have followed her around the world in the last eleven months via Facebook and email. This was not an easy trip. I noticed her weight loss and at times the noticeable lack of sleep in her eyes.

I know she will allow me to write about her Lord.         

1 John 4:19        

We love because he first loved us. Jesus loved Ara first. He died for her sins and ours.

John 10:10    
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Jesus left heaven and came to Earth not to steal our lives but to be part  of our lives while saving us from our sins. His death, burial and resurrection were the first step in building a relationship with God through Jesus.

John 16:13        
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit that we might hear from God and know when He speaks. We can be in the right place at the right time. We can join God in His work when He calls. I can only imagine everything that Ara has seen God do and all that He said to her while on this trip. She will tell us and we will listen but only Ara experienced God and that was only because of the gift from Jesus.

God desires to have that same type of relationship with all of us. He is at work daily and would love to have us join Him and experience Him. Ara left all that she had to gain much more, and it is only because of her love for Jesus and her empowerment by the Holy Spirit and her love for the Father which Jesus brought her to.

Have a great day.
Listen and love today. God might be calling.


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