Saturday, May 3, 2014

One Corner In the House 5/3/2014

Good Morning,

It's Saturday and I see some sunshine peaking through the branches of our white birch trees. I just finished a breakfast of Cheerios smothered in bananas. My coffee is as sweet as my wife today. The old mug is filled with Door County Cookie Dough Coffee.

Psalm 103:2, NLT Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

Our house is filled with many antiques. The two main antiques are the two of us. My wife loves to antique shop. Most of the time she doesn't purchase anything, but she loves to browse and look for ideas and specific items that seem to still elude her eagle eye and my wallet.

She has antiques in every part of the house. Our kitchen has a corner filled with her treasures. I asked her what she likes about that corner that is mixed with a lot of things and she replied "The memories. I can remember where we were when we purchased each one, bringing you lemonade as you framed some in the garage or were refinishing  them. I see all three of our dogs on that wall and the competitions you were in with them. I see you coming home with game and a muddy dog, both of you wanting your picture taken. I hear you explaining how your great grandfather made chairs for little children. I never met him but I can imagine what he was like just by looking at you and that chair. I remember where the picture of the two of us was taken and what a great time we had. I remember the teens we worked with in youth group and baking hundreds of biscuits for church breakfasts. I remember finding a train ticket in one of your grandfathers old books, which he used for a book mark and how it brought tears to your eyes. I remember a wedding where we purchased the phone and your best friend was there also. He has passed now but it causes me to remember him. My faith is strong but when I look at these things they remind me that I have been blessed beyond measure with a beautiful life ".

As long as she still likes antiques I guess my spot in her heart is secure. LOL

Have a great day. Have a fond memory today. But most of all remember Who gave it to you. Count your blessings.

Love to all,

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