Friday, May 16, 2014

Peanut Butter Cookies 5/16/2014

Good Morning,

Friday has landed and it was right on time. My coffee this morning is Door County Highlander Grog. My friend Bob from Alaska recommended this flavor a few years ago. I am glad he did.

Ecclesiastes 9:7 KJV
Go thy way , eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.

Yesterday was one of those days that wasn't one worth writing about for good or bad. I was telling someone yesterday that my mind seemed to have checked out and I did not really seem to care. I just wanted to get home after work, have the dog greet me with his tail wagging, and then spend some time with Rene , before studying.

We were out of milk, so I stopped at the gas station near our home to purchase a gallon. The gas station is more than just a fuel stop. They sell food and bakery. I noticed that some big peanut butter cookies were there, just begging me to buy them and take them home. I pondered the purchase for a minute and then decided that a peanut butter cookie with a large glass of cold milk was just what I needed to finish the day that seemed to be without any zip.

Later as we were each munching on a cookie I decided that I felt like a kid who had just been rewarded with a cookie for eating all of my supper or for performing some chore. It was then that I knew that just to have a cookie is a blessing and that all the ingredients for the cookie were made by our Creator. And despite my feelings about the day a cookie comes from heaven and it is ok to sit back and enjoy one now and then and feel like a kid once in awhile.

Go ahead and do something to feel like a kid again. It's ok and might be just what you need to make a ho hum day better. God doesn't mind, He provided the ingredients.

God bless,

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