Sunday, May 25, 2014

Watching The Sun Come Up 5/25/2014

Good Morning,

I am starting the day with a cup of Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee. Today is my wife's birthday. I wish her many, many more. There will be a little outing tonight to try a new food emporium that opened recently to celebrate her life.

Genesis 1:14

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;

I was up early today. It seems as if my internal clock does not recognize those days when I could grab a little more sleep. Well that's what naps are for. There might be one in my future today.

As I awoke today, it was still dark outside. The coffee had just finished brewing and I grabbed one of my favorite mugs, filled it and headed out to the back yard. It was cool outside and as I was sitting there in a pair of gym shorts questioning my intelligence level for not wearing sweat pants, when the sun started to rise in the East.

It came up slowly and started to shine on the lilacs and apple blossoms in our yard. I could see the tomato plants that were recently planted in the vegetable garden. Birds were starting chirp and coo. Two mallard ducks flew over so low that I could hear their wings in the still morning. One of them gave out a hearty quack as to say "Good Morning". My portion of the world was at peace today and busy at dawn.

I thought about some of the places I have been on mission trips and a few of the people I met along the way in different countries. The sunrise made me think about how many places I have been and that it was always the same sun that greeted me and warmed me up each day. Now I will admit that a few of the tropical places were "well heated" and the heat wasn't always appreciated. But there was one trip where the climate at night was very cold and the shelter we were using did not have heat. In the middle of the night I would look at my watch and say to myself "only a couple hours until I warm up". I knew I could count on that sun rising and the impact it would have.

Each day the sun rises and gives us warmth and light. I know that there are places in the world where the sun stays up and there isn't any night for up to 85 days in Alaska.

But can you imagine days upon days without the sun's light? Each day when the sun comes up we are reminded that God our Creator knew what the Earth and we would need. Each sunrise is a gift from God and shows us that He cares. God was well ahead of the technical revolution. He never uses still pictures. My morning was in full color and  moving. God let me see a live shot of His love and power. 

So in ending today. Take the time to enjoy a sunrise. Get up a little earlier on a day when you don't have to rush off anywhere and enjoy the video that God has planned just for you.

God Bless,

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