Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Kiss On The Lips 5/1/2014

Good Morning,

Thursday and I am looking forward to Friday and the weekend. My coffee this morning is Door County German Chocolate Cake.

Proverbs 24:26 (NIV)

26 An honest answer
    is like a kiss on the lips
Honesty, where do we find it? Do we find it on television? I wonder how many women purchased the famous "tighten your butt just by walking shoes"? A couple of months later the shoes were branded a farce and you don't see them on the shelves anymore.
I have a lot of fishing lures in my tackle box that guarantee that I will catch more fish. Just try to return those dead beat lures.
I watched a guy munching on grapes in the grocery store. He ate about a dozen then wipes his mouth on his sleeve and started to leave. I asked him if he was going to pay for the grapes he ate. He replied, "every now and then I get a rotten grape in my purchase. I figure they owe me this many".
I went back to McDonald's to pay for the extra food that was in my drive through order. I explained that I figured I owed them some more money for the food that I received and did not pay for. The young lady at the counter looked at me like I was nuts. She said " I am not used to that type of honesty. Don't worry about it, I am sure we have messed up plenty of orders that we should have fixed." She was cheating her employer.
Honestly, where do we find honesty anymore? Well the one place that can always be counted on to be honest is God's Word the Bible. I truly believe it is the source of all truth and it is filled with honest Godly answers. It is the one thing we possess that can be counted on to be true at all times.

2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
The Bible also instructs us to be honest. No one is perfect, no not one. But we can try. If we live by Biblical rules, we won't cheat, we despise lying, we won't hold back the truth, and we will conduct business in an honest way.
Honestly, can't we try honesty? And ladies please don't ask us guys to go shopping with you while you try on clothes and then ask us "how does this look on me"? For us, honesty could be detrimental to our health?
Have a great Thursday.


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