Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Opening A Full Can of Crazy? 5/20/14

Good Morning,

Have a cup of coffee and get going. My coffee this morning is Door County Chocolate Meltdown. Out the door I go to face a day that might be somewhat planned on my daily calendar but you just never know what any day might bring.

There have been many phrases used to describe life or a person's day. Forest Gump. "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what your going to get". Doris Day. "what will be will be". Frank Sinatra, "I did it my way". "This day has been a full can of crazy" Author unknown.

Someone told me that the other day was the first day of her new job and on the way to work the heel broke on her shoe. Today my car stalled at the left turn signal and this guy pulled up and went ballistic because he missed his turn just as my car restarted. I had to laugh at his anger and slurs considering this is a conceal carry state. I heard about a guy today that wants to raise honey bees. He purchased 90 bees and did a release into their new home, they all flew away. What about the new car with the dent in the door from some careless person in a parking lot. Then one of the kids gets sick or decides to fly off the bunk bed playing Spider Man and breaks an arm. And why does one actually put real dish soap in a dish washer and wonder why there are suds everywhere? Or you can't wait to get home and start the grill to cook a little supper. 20 minutes later as the grill goes out you remember you were supposed to pick up propane on the way home. As you return to your car with the propane you find that you have a flat tire. Or the duck that walks through your wet cement. Some days are just 7 kinds of crazy.

But here is the good news. A day only lasts 24 hours.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (NKJV)

22 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness
Despite the day of days, it only lasts 24 hours and each day is new. God shows up all day and all night.
Try to laugh today. Tomorrow is coming.

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