Monday, May 5, 2014

Candy Bars May 5th 2014

Good Morning,

Monday already. Where do those weekends go. My coffee today is Door County Blueberry Cobbler. Already looking forward to next weekend. But what will this day bring?

One of the main staples of duck season are the snacks one takes along to sustain you, your partner, and your dog during those long cold days. Each year I usually end up leaving a snack or two in my shooters bag at the end of the season and then forget about them until the following year.

One of the things I really like to munch on for energy are candy bars. I am very fond of Almond Joy bars. I will usually have a couple in my snack bag. My dog is fond of beef jerky. But to be very honest with you, I can go the rest of the year without eating a candy bar. They just seem to go better in the fall.

Getting back to the shooters bag and my annual surprise. When I get ready for the following season to start I always find "left overs". The candy bar has melted a few times during the summer heat, the wrapper is stained from last years swamp water encounter, and some have been messed up with blood from the ducks we shoot. Not one to waste anything, the thought has occurred to me that when I discover it I should munch it on down. Now no way would this be good for me. I have been able to toss the old bar without too many tears and replace it with new.

Our lives are like that. We need to clean out the old from time to time to make room for the new. That old candy bar can really stink up a bag, make a mess and not provide any sustenance at all. Each day is a new experience with God. Shouldn't we provide a clean place within our hearts for Him to reside?

Think this one through. What are you carrying from last year in your life that should be gone?

God bless,

Matthew 9:17(NIV)

17 Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

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