Saturday, April 13, 2013

Miracles 4/13/2013

Good Morning.
No coffee today. Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a long story and I will share next week.

Someone asked me if God still performs miracles today. Let me answer that this morning. I believe He still does.
Healings Still Occur
There are literally hundreds of accounts of miraculous healings today among countless Christians but these are at the discretion of God alone. God miraculously heals some while choosing not to heal others for His divine purpose. No one would accuse the apostle Paul of having a weak faith  yet God refused to heal him after he asked three times. In God’s higher wisdom  He knows who and what to heal and what is best for the believer in choosing not to heal someone. Yes, miracles still happen, but they are not at the direction or discretion of believers but a decision of God alone. He does heal, rescue, provide through petitions of prayers  but there are times when His answer is no because He has a higher purpose in mind. Our sufferings and afflictions work out a purpose that we may not be able to understand at this time (Romans 8).
Miracles Still Happen
God is still in the business of miracles. I believe that the greatest miracle of all is that of converting a blind sinner to see their sin and to change the human heart; from one of serving the god of this world to seeing their own sin and the need of a Savior in Jesus Christ. The miracle of human conversion is actually greater than any healing miracle because this brings eternal life in Christ. A healing miracle is only temporary. The person healed will eventually die but the one that is born-again has inherent eternal life that can never be lost and that person can live with God for eternity, never to die again (John 3:16).

So yes I am a walking talking miracle. How about you?

God bless,

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