Sunday, June 12, 2022

Talking To The Dogs 6/12/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with a hot cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee and a walk in the wet grass. This day has the potential to be outstanding. 

Philippians 2:1-5 If there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, and participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2. complete my joy of being the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3. Do nothing from selfish ambition and conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4. let each of you look not only to your own interests but, also to the interests of others. 5. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. 

Our two dogs Leo and Gibbs, are in our minds members of the family. They are like many pets, very loyal, compassionate and they certainly provide and enjoy plenty of fun. They are the best greeters and foot warmers one could have asked for. In our home they are a secondary source of security. They do believe they they own the house and are willing to bark and growl if necessary if something is out of sorts. My wife Rene says she feels more secure when I am not home, having one of them around. They do also keep us on time. They wake me up most of the time before the alarm clock goes off. I know what time it is in the afternoon when they are lined up by their empty food dishes waiting for them to be filled. They are like precision time pieces. 

Why am I writing this today? I have paid attention to how I interact with our two fur bundles lately. I am laughing right now because some of you will identify with me. I ask them questions, as I scratch behind their ears for their morning dose of affection, I say good morning and "Ready to eat'? Now I can assure you that hey have not spoken to me and I am sure they don't comprehend most of what I am saying. But yet I still talk to them as if they had anything to say back to me. 

So before you all turn me in to the local authorities, for some mental health work, take away my car keys and guns and just certify me as crazy, think about this. Maybe you are lonely and could use some more visitors. Maybe you find that friends and family don't call on you or invite you to things. 

Remember my opening statements. Our dogs growl when they sense danger and most people stop in their tracks until they know or we acknowledge for them to come in and it is safe to be around the dogs. Once that is established they are greeted with wagging tails and some toys so they can play. 

It could be that maybe you are lonely because you growl too much at those who desire to be around you or those you interact with professionally , and socially. It might just be that your growl and your bite have been shown to those who want to love you, way too much. They have decided that you aren't friendly and instead of socializing with you they prefer to just stay away. Unfortunately this occurs within families way too often. Take a little quiz this morning.

1. Are you approachable?  

2. Do others feel safe around you?

3. Can you listen without interrupting?

4.  Do you stop what you are doing to be welcoming?

5. Do you share?

6. Do you make the first call or do you always wait to be contacted?

7. Do you forgive without seeking revenge? 

8. Do you attend gatherings when invited or make excuses to stay home?

9. Do others who love you sit on pins and needles wondering how you will behave socially?

10.  Can you love others unconditionally? 

11. Are you loyal or are you one who back stabs others?

If you score low on these questions it could be that you growl too much and it is not the world who is unapproachable, but you haven't learned how to be friendly. I looked over these questions and have decided that this topic needs one more day of discussion. 

I am going to explore some of these questions tomorrow just for fun. Hang in there with me.

Have a great day.


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