Sunday, June 26, 2022

Entering The Work Force 6/26/2022

 Good Morning,

Wow, what a beautiful day sits outside my window and very soon I will be joining it outside for another cup of Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee. Right now I am settling for an open window and listening to the breeze and the doves. I am ready to write. 

Proverbs 14:23 In all toil there is profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. 

Psalm 128:2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands and you will be blessed and it will be well with you. 

Most of the school graduations are finished now for the year and the graduates find themselves looking for work or they are busy already working trying to stash money away for next semester. I wish them well at whatever they do as they enter or make changes to their workforce status. 

I want to share a little advice for them and a refresher for us who are more established in the workplace.

1. You have been hired and you agreed to a certain amount of compensation for your time at work. Notice I said work. The job you filled has requirements of productivity and as you are paid you are expected to meet those requirements. 

2. You should have a schedule and work requires you to be rested and ready for the task. Go to bed early enough so that when you show up on the job you are able to perform the task assigned to you. In some instances of manual labor, this is essential for your safety.

3. Hopefully you are loved and have friends. It isn't really productive for you to be working, and checking your cell phone every ten minutes and then trying to respond on Face Book. Your employer is paying for your attention to details and again you were hired to work. Your friends will be there later. 

4. Show up on time and avoid calling in absent unless it is for a real illness and company policy requires you to stay home. Being late adds impacts to other's schedules and disrupts business. Tardiness and not being prompt says a lot about you and it isn't "complements".

5. Greet all co-workers and management with a smile and make eye contact when you speak. This is the proper way to greet customers and clients. 

6. Dress appropriately for the moment and follow the dress code of your employer. You might not like it, but it is there and you need to respect it. 

7.Break times are usually set to a certain amount of time. Being lazy and extending your break or lunch hour is actually stealing time from the employer. 

8. Last but most important is this. God knows where you are working. You are His representative to that establishment. Your work behavior and your attitude reflect Him in your life. Treat your superiors with dignity and respect. 

I am old school and I believe that you get paid to work and how you present your yourself might have a direct impact on your compensation and future. You aren't guaranteed a thing but the pay and work hours you agreed to.  So dig in, work hard and enjoy the money you earn and some well earned time off when it is given to you. 

God bless,


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