Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Don't Make The Kids Shake The Tree 6/14/2022

 Good Morning,

Running late today. Duty called last night and due to a storm I could not finish my work until later. Something knocked out the internet for a few hours.  I worked pretty late and I am counting on my mug of Door County Sweet Clementine Coffee to wake me up and push me out to greet the day. 

Mark - Chapter 10:13-14
13. People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
14. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Rene and I are empty nesters now. The ones who greet me at the door are our two dogs Leo and  Gibbs. Their tails wag as they prance around looking for attention. I can't pass them by without scratching their ears for a minute and acknowledging them.
I used to watch the kids who live across the street from us who on many days were outside playing when their Dad returned home from work. He was greeted by the three kids much like puppies who had waited all day for their master to return. They wanted to be acknowledged and played with by Dad.
I remember the days when I was a little boy and my dad would come home very late from work and he would tell me to look into his lunch box. I would sometimes find a bag of peanuts or a small candy bar there for us.
It is a shame when parents get caught up in the excessive activities of life and are always too tired to spend even just a little quality time with the children God has given them. Children will often act out in order to get attention. This is their way of shaking the "sugar tree." Video games, sport clubs, and empty promises are not the same as a walk with dad or mom, sitting on a tired but loving lap, reading together, playing catch, eating pretend cake with pretend tea, crawling into a fort made of blankets, playing a board game and losing, or sharing a soggy Oreo cookie.  Kids will give away hints of their need to bond with a parent. The biggest hint is when you no longer see them. They scroll their lives away in their room and seldom come out, because they are tired of shaking the sugar tree with nothing falling.

So today before your child has to shake the tree, surprise them with a gift of your time, just for them. Laugh together, listen to the story that seems like it won't end, run and kick a ball, make the lemonade and sit down with them and write with chalk on the sidewalk. Jesus made time for children and He had a world to save.

Have a great day. Let the sugar fly.

