Monday, June 6, 2022

Different Tastes , But It Works. 6/6/2022

 Good Morning, 

Monday before us and Sunday in the past. Another day is dawning and I am greeting mine with a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and some prayer. 

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. 

I needed to make some repairs to one of our bathrooms yesterday on the 2nd floor of our home. I very seldom use that restroom, but my wife does. I leave all the decorating of our home to her and I don't believe there is another home like it. A lot of the things in the house are antiques, or antiques that have been repurposed to become useful again.  While making the repairs I looked around and recalled the day Rene had this idea to reuse a tool box and some old faucet parts to make a towel holder. I was very skeptical , but just did what I was asked to do. When the work on the tool box was completed and then hung on the wall it became a "towel holder".  It's not what I would have mounted there to hang a towel, but it works. Not only does it work, but it pleases my wife and that's good enough for me. 

We have two different tastes on just about everything and she has definite ideas on what she likes hung or standing in the home I follow her lead most of the time. 

We are all different and have different ideas on how things should be or operate and many times we are very passionate and partial to our ideas. What works in our home is the ability to compromise and see the value in each others opinion. This is lacking within the world today. Everyone wants it one way or no way at all. This unwillingness to compromise and move on for the good of all stalls growth, safety, and adds fuel to overblown passions that eventually erupt in chaos and anger. 

We needed something to hang towels on. Both ideas would work. But one of us was passionate about how. We met in the middle. I saw her idea and it didn't hurt anything to have it done in the way she saw it. But I did not let the difference of opinion divide us from meeting a need. Yesterday I had a towel to use and that was good enough for me. 

God bless,


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