Monday, June 13, 2022

Self Examination For Growling 6/13/2022

 Good Morning,

Door County Hazelnut Cream Coffee is steaming in my cup and it is a good way to start this morning. I am ready to write and then head to work. 

Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man holds it back.

Yesterday I wrote about the possibility that we might growl too much and that causes people to avoid us. Now I want to guide us through my checklist from yesterday and show all of us different ways we growl. Note there are more ways to growl than verbally. 

1. Are you approachable?  How do you stand or sit when being approached? Arms crossed with a "you are boring me facial expression." You are silently growling. 

2. Do others feel safe around you? When angry do you make irrational threats? Good sign that you are a growler,

3. Can you listen without interrupting? Interrupting is a way of saying "Hurry up, this isn't important and what you think doesn't matter." You pegged the growling meter. 

4.  Do you stop what you are doing to be welcoming? Not having someone know that they are a priority to you is another form of silent growling ,which is just as nasty as any other forms of growling. 

5. Do you share? The inability to share things with others is a definite sign that you are selfish and is another form of being mean, which falls in the category of growling. Not sharing means, you just told someone that you are much more important than they are. 

6. Do you make the first call or do you always wait to be contacted? This is a form of growling as long as you go and tell others no one calls you. The phone works both ways. Growl on!

7. Do you forgive without seeking revenge? Major form of growling. This means you are one that has to have the last word and are very judgmental, selfish and not at peace. 

8. Do you attend gatherings when invited or make excuses to stay home? Not attending is your way of growling about something or it could be an act of jealousy. Not attending gives a direct shot to someone that they don't matter to you.

9. Do others who love you sit on pins and needles wondering how you will behave socially? If people have to worry about your behavior and for good reasons, it could be that you have over growled in the past.

10.  Can you love others unconditionally? Can you just love people for who they are and not try to change them? Changing people to meet your needs is selfish and lacks unconditional love. Another form of growling!

11. Are you loyal or are you one who back stabs others? Can you be counted on for help or excuses as to why you can't help? Is your word good or is it easily derailed? Growling!!!!

You are known for your actions, reactions and lack of action. This is an easy way to hurt people, have your way and then be lonely. 

Food for thought.


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